No secrets in the library

Title: No secrets in the libraryAuthor: PNZFandom: Teen WolfPairing: genWarnings: character bashing, murder, discussion of murderSummary: There are consequences for every lie told. Consequences for selfish acts done for selfish reasons. Note: Takes place after the warehouse events in S02. Art by PNZ PROLOGUE It had taken two extra days …

Where to place the blame

Title: Where to place the blameAuthor: PNZFandom: Teen WolfPairing: genWarnings: character bashing, murder, discussion of murderSummary: Explanations abound, fingers pointed, drama ensues. Mayhaps, justice will be served.Note: Takes place after the warehouse events have somewhat concluded in S02. Art by PNZ Peter took stock of the warehouse’s inhabitants. Everyone seemed …


Title: ConsequencesAuthor: PNZFandom: Teen Wolf, NCISPairing: genWarnings: character bashing, murder, discussion of murder, partner betrayalSummary: Tony was seeing the writing on the wall, unable to avoid what was going on around him any longer. It was an unlikely meeting at an opportune time. A few things just needed to be …