Be me authentically without the apologies

Title: Be me authentically without the apologies
Author: PNZ
Fandom: 9-1-1, Numb3rs
Pairing: gen
Warnings: character bashing
Summary: Selfish people making selfish decisions. Buck puts his foot down and himself first. Good thing he has some support waiting in the wings.  
Note: 9-1-1: Discussion of events up to end of season 2. Numb3rs: After Colby returns to the team in season 4 (episode 2).
Title taken from Andy Grammer’s song Love Myself, Album Love Myself

Damn It Feels Good (To Be Me)

Title: Damn It Feels Good (To Be Me)
Author: PNZ
Fandom: 9-1-1, The Rookie
Pairing: gen
Warnings: character bashing – Not for fans of Chimney or Maddie, discussion of murder,
Summary: Buck adults. Life goes on.
Note: Discussion of events up to end of season 2
No knowledge of The Rookie necessary.
Title taken from Andy Grammer song Damn it feels good to be me, Album Love Myself


Title: Savior
Author: PNZ
Fandom: Flash, Glee
Pairing: Barry/Blaine
Warnings: character bashing, discussion of murder
Summary: Barry decides proactive is his new favorite word. Good thing he has a whole bunch of friends to help him with his goals.
Note: Glee-AU from season 3 and on. Blaine never left Dalton. Flash, AU from the start. Canon? Who the fuck needs canon?