Happily ever after for everyone is just so boring!

It’s pretty much a given at this point that I read a lot of fan fiction.  I have multiple fandoms that I obsess over, some of which I would rather read the fic than watch/read the original source material (hello, HP fans). One of my (many) pet peeves in fan …

Explanations in moderation

Pet peeves: I love writing about them. I find that many authors, including myself, have an overwhelming need to explain things. Some explain the history behind an event, object, legend, et cetera. Some explain the reasons a person is innocent, guilty, late, early, involved in the situation, or way more …

Just a few (for now) pet peeves

<rant> I cannot stand it when fanfic authors spend the first three chapters setting up a strong character and then the rest of the fic having him/her be whiny little bitches who can’t seem to stand up for themselves or let people walk all over them. I cannot understand why …