The Very Definition – Chapter 3

MI6 didn’t waste any time with starting to research the information given to them. Mallory, thankfully, had remembered hearing the term in the American news, setting his computer experts to dig for anything connected to it. Meanwhile, Bond prowled the medical area playing both the part of concerned friend and …

The Very Definition – Chapter 2

There was no way to tell how many others were there or where they were. Stiles just hoped that help would arrive before any bullets decided they liked him a whole lot. “Would you get your bird to please get out of here!” Stiles looked over at the man who …

The Very Definition – Chapter 1

Who knew Oxford had a magic track? No, seriously, there was a track for people who knew about magic, about druidism and emissaries and all the related synonyms for whatever the hell he was. His research while in high school had turned into an obsession that he could make a …